When you’re considering the future of your herd, how accurately can you predict the potential of different animals?
CLARIFIDE® genomic testing with RAFT and Zoetis

Genomic testing is changing the way dairy producers make management, selection and breeding decisions on-farm. Genomic test results are significantly more reliable than traditional parent average values (typically 50-70%) as they reveal more about the genetic potential an animal actually inherited from its parents. Using genomic testing, a heifers genetic potential is revealed early in life, genetic progress can be accelerated with confidence and herd profitability can be enhanced by capitalising on improved performance across a number of traits.

Genetics alone is not the whole answer, to complement focused-enhanced breeding it is essential good herd management is practiced in all areas of production, health, milk quality, fertility and feed efficiency. The combination of genetics and excellent management will yield the best results.


CLARIFIDE® delivers reliable predictions on a comprehensive suite of UK/US core production, type and health traits, key production indexes and parentage confirmation to accurately predict genetic merit. Additionally, data on inbreeding, genetic conditions and haplotypes helps to arm you, the producer, with the necessary material to make informed breeding decisions with your herd.

Accessible for Holsteins, Jerseys and Brown Swiss.

Independent, trusted advice

Armed with your herd data your CLARIFIDE® vet is well placed to help set breeding objectives specific to your herd’s needs. Your CLARIFIDE® vet can interpret genetic evaluation data and help you understand what it means for your herd, both now and in the future and working with you, will help you to recognise where genetic potential can be better harnessed.

For more information, including a chat through the service and details about pricing, please email us at